Welcome to the International Economics Group!

On this website, we offer detailed information about our research, our teaching, and our team. Moreover, we announce latest news.
The focus of our research is on International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment. Our methodological approach is broad, including the analytics of globalization, empirical testing, numerical exercises to quantify the consequences of globalization, and the derivation of policy conclusions. We thereby contribute to the Research Area Inequality and Economic Policy Analysis (INEPA) at the Institute of Economics. For more details, see the personal pages under team.
We offer up-to-date teaching at the bachelor, the master, and the PhD level with a perspective on current academic debates. Our courses prepare students for professional careers in internationally active firms and organizations.
Our teaching language is English, so our courses are of potential interest for exchange students.
We are part of the Tuebingen-Hohenheim-Economics (THE) association, supporting the exchange of ideas among advanced students, doctoral students, post-docs and professors interested in economic issues relevant for society.