We contribute to the Bachelor's programmes in Business Administration and Economics and in Education for Business and Economics. We teach all our courses in English.
International Trade (formerly: Aufbaumodul International Business and Economics)
What are the causes and consequences of international trade? And how should policy respond to increased globalization? This course imparts essential tools from trade theory and trade empirics required to analyze these questions. Trade theory of draws on microeconomic theory, the theory of general equilibrium, and on welfare economics. It provides strong analytical results. Trade empirics applies standard regression methods to the international context. This course shows how rigorous economic analysis can be brought to bear on important questions arising in globalization debates.
The course is at the core of the specialization area International Business and Economics. It also contributes to the areas Empirical Economic Research as well as to Competition, Market Failure, and the Government.
The course takes place in summer terms (4th or 6th semester). It is taught in English.
Contact: Dr. Julia Spornberger
This course in summer 2025
Research Practice Module: Empirical Trade Data Analysis
Students gain experience in conducting their own empirical research projects (descriptive analysis, simple regression analysis) in the area of international trade using econometric software (R). In particular, they familiarize themselves with various sources of trade data. They are able to retrieve data from different sources and to manage these data. They can apply tools to describe and interpret patterns in trade data in a theory-informed way. Empirical skills in the analysis of trade data are important to inform decision makers in internationally operating companies or industry associations, as well as policy makers at national and supranational levels.
Contact: Matthias Stadler
This course in summer 2025
Bachelor Seminar: Topics in International Economics
The seminar takes up different topics in international economics. Based on a main reference, students prepare a presentation and write a seminar paper. Presentations are followed by discussions. All seminar participants should contribute to these discussions.
The seminar takes place in winter terms (5th semester). Seminar presentations and seminar papers are in English.
This seminar in the winter term 2024/25
Contact: Prof. Dr. Benjamin Jung
Bachelor Thesis
Interested in writing your Bachelor Thesis under our supervision? Check out this information sheet for all the details.